Friday, January 7, 2011

Newsic Man

       My first blog is going to be informational. Just to give ya a little taste of what my interests are and what I would like to get out of this blog. My name is Jeremy and I live south of Pittsburgh, Pa. Music is a tough industry in this town....not much innovation...mostly radio play soothes the soul in clubs throughout the southside and station square clubs and bars. I constantly research musical artists in the U.S. and Europe looking for that "perfect combination" of beat and vocal talent. Hip hop isn't my primary love but is a love nonetheless. I usually have a folder on my desktop set aside for my distribution pleasure. Nothing entertains me like showing another music appreciator something fresh on the net that blows them away. There isn't much of a niche for music lovers' such as myself so I've decided to blog my interests in hopes to find like minded views. Although, I am not opposed to constructive criticism. I also welcome the sharing of websites and new styles of music similar to my posts to feed my cutting edge hunger.
      I am known for finding great beats and soothing music to my friends and socialites so I hope that you enjoy this blog and promote the artists in the same passion that I do. After all, the beat to your favorite song is the pulse of life!!! Stand by for future posts of songs I think are too new for radio and MTV that needs exposure!!!!!

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